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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Open Letter to Cindy Sheehan RE: Memo to Drudge, et al: It's Not About Me, It's About the War

The following is from Cindy Sheehan's Blog. This is priceless:

Memo to Drudge, et al: It's Not About Me, It's About the War

Even after my repeated attempts to keep the focus of my protest on the war, the Drudge Report and others continue to try to make the issue about me. But I am not the issue. The issue is a disastrous war that's killing our sons and daughters and making our country less secure. They attack me because they can no longer defend this war.

I've come to Crawford to bring to the president's doorstep the harsh realities of a war he's been trying so hard to avoid. But no matter what they say or how many shotguns they fire or how many crosses they destroy, they're not going to stop me from speaking out about a war that needlessly killed my son.

Cindy -

Let's take this item by item.

It's not about you?!?!?! It baffles me how you can even utter those words. Your entire protest outside his ranch was based on the demand he meet with you. What baffles me even more is HE ALREADY DID!

I guess the press is good as long as they give you favorable reports. Well, that's the problem with our modern media, they tend to be a little one sided. Thank God for Matt Drudge for balancing the tables a bit. Tell me, have you complained about the coverage from CNN or Entertainment Tonight? Naw...I didn't think so.

The war is killing our sons and daughters. Yes, unfortunately, sometimes the good guys die too. Believe me, I know. I watched several thousand good guys die on 9/11. 8 of them I served with while stationed at the Pentagon. The security of this nation is paid for in the blood of sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. Your loss is no less than thiers. However, as a member of the US Navy, I know my blood may also be spilled in the defense of this Nation. It is the job of every member of the military to make sure 9/11 never happens again. I am proud to say, you have the right to question our President without being thrown in jail or killed is because I did my job today.

I am not attacking you because I cannot defend this war. I am attacking you because you are a blithering idiot. Let me make it really simple for you. IF we pull our troops out before there is an acceptable level of stability in Iraq, what do you think will happen? Do you think the men that killed your son will simply leave Iraq and let the Iraqi people live in peace? I don't think so, Scooter!

It's humorous to me that the crosses you use to symbolize the people who gave thier lives to free the Iraqi people and enforce our foriegn policy a

President Bush is trying to avoid the war?!?!?! I guess you don't watch much of the news after they show you badmouthing the President, huh?

Cindy, your son did not die in vain.



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