My Comments to Cindy
Cindy, you amaze me. I do not understand how you can even begin to say the military should leave the disaster area. The reason the military is there is to restore order. People were shooting at medivac flights at hospitals for crying out loud. You are so full of hate towards GW for your son's death. As a member of the military and a father I cannot imagine what you must feel. But your anger is misdirected. Blame those who killed your son. They are the same people that killed my friends on 9-11 at the Pentagon. GW did not kill your son any more than he ordered the occupation of New Orleans. GW is not to blame for Katrina either. There are so many layers of government which failed to take action. However, you and your liberal thinking comrades choose to blame the President for the lack of action of the idividuals who were warned to leave New Orleans and did not. For the local officials who did not use all the resources available to evacuate those who were unable to evacuate themselves. Let's not forget the police and other public service personnel who either participated in the looting or stood by and allowed it to happen. Your temper tantrum is really getting old. Do you actually think we can leave Iraq now. Do you honestly think Iraq will become a peaceful country if we pull our troops out? Ma'am, I have been there and I can assure you Iraq will be an open training camp for al Queida. The Iraqi people will be nothing more than target pratice for terrorists in training. Your son is a hero. In every since of the word. Blaming his Commander in Chief for his death is like blaming your president for the fact that Katrina hit the Gulf Coast at all. I do not question your abilty to question your government. It is my job, as it was Casey's, to ensure you have the right to do that. However I do question your logic. Your logic is clouded by your grief which only fuels your anger and your search for someone to blame.
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