More random thoughts from a seemingly thoughtless void
Been a while, huh? Well, can't say I have been bored. I left on deployment on March 4th. Can't say too much about what we've been doing but lemme tell you, we got some WELL-DESERVED liberty last week in Hong Kong. It's fun to take 400 Sailors, remove them from thier lives and families, confine them to a floating weapon and expect them to get along for about 5 weeks. Wow!
Anyone ever go to work for 5 weeks straight of 18 hour days? Not fun, lemme tell you. And the sad thing is that even as I sit here and bitch like this I know that there are a few thousand guys just like me on the ground in Iraq this very minute dodging rounds and eatin' sand. God, bless and protect them.
A great quote I read today - Americans sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
- Orwell
This is not the reason I sat down to write on here today. I wanna talk about this crap I am reading in the news about these huge protests against this immigration bill. I've said before I consider myself somewhat middle of the road. However I do prefer to walk on the right side of that road. So, lemme put it like this...
This is the United friggin' States of America. It's not a refugee camp! It's ours not yours and ours. We made it what it is today. Other-wise known as the most powerful nation in the world. Yeah, we stepped on some toes to do it. We also spilled alot of blood...our own and others... to keep it just the way we like it. We did not put the welcome mat out for all the world's riff-raff. 100 years ago, we said gimme your poor....but frankly, we are up to our eyeballs in your poor and we are sick of them sneaking thier asses into our country looking for a free ride on my tax dollars.
And who the hell are you to come to MY country and tell me you have a right to be here? Excuse me? That's like walking in my house, raiding my fridge, planting your ass in my couch and bitching at me when I tell you to go home. Just who the fuck do you think you are????
And for all the liberals that are gonna read this and get thier panties in a your breath. I read an article that pretty well sums up the way I have been feeling for years. It's comments made by the former governor of Colorado at some function in D.C....
Just in case you didn't click on the link and read the speach...perhaps this will make you click on itNo nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and they all fall, and that "an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide."
Ohh got a great idea for bin Laden when we catch his nappy ass hiding under whatever rock he calls home these days. Don't kill him. Yes you read that right. I don't want him to die. I say when we get done parading him around in front of the TV cameras we throw him into GENPOP in Leavenworth Club Fed. Then we set up some cameras in the showers and make it a Pay-Per-View event!
Just an idea....I know it'll never fly. The patronizing PoS's that wanted to keep Tookie Williams alive would never let it happen. Kinda like Janet Jackson can show her tits on live TV but a country boy jumps outta a race car after driving 500 miles at 200 MPH and says "shit" and loses the championship....go figure.
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