“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
If you don’t know what that quote is from. I really need to talk to you. If you are one of these anti-gun fanatics...or if you have no opinion on the matter...I’d like to talk to you too.
Been doing a little surfing on the Second Amendment. I've pretty much decided I do want to purchase a handgun in the not-so-distant future. I know this will lead to a heated discussion when I get home but I am willing to take that heat. There are several reasons I want a firearm in my home:
1 - As a husband and a father it is my duty to make a safe home for my wife and children. That does not mean my first line of defense against some predator is 911. If any predator (of the 2 or 4 legged varieties) enters my home with the intent, capability, and opportunity to do harm to my family, it is my responsibility to neutralize that threat. It is my right under the Constitution of the United States (the same document I swore my life to uphold and defend) to have the tools to do just that.
2 – As a member of the United States Military, one of my duties is to possibly use deadly force to neutralize a threat to my ship or shipmates. Why should I not have that ability at home? Why is it more important to carry a gun at work to protect my ship than at home? Is my family not important enough to warrant possibly exercising deadly force to neutralize a threat to protect them?
3 - I want my children to understand that guns are not bad. Bad people do bad things with guns. Guns are tools. You can kill with a car or a hammer but I don't see any regulations being voted on by the Supreme Court in regards to driving to Home Depot.
Something else keeps gnawing in the back of my brain. I did some research on Hitler a while back. I could NOT understand how a man could take over a country so quickly and render its people so defenseless in such a short amount of time. Quite simply he did it like the anti-gun lobby would love to do it...he simply suspended all civil liberties. That included the right to keep and bear arms. No German citizen could posses a firearm. That is the easiest way to overtake a country....disarm it's citizens.
While we are on the subject, lets take a look at what's happening with our society. We make laws that make it nearly impossible to function as free men. However, we fail to enforce those laws simply due to the fact that we do not employ enough law enforcement officers. We are headed to a point of making our society very vulnerable to exactly what Germany went through which started half of World War II.
Don't get me wrong. I am not one of these conspiracy theorists. But if you look at what Hitler did and what is happening in our society, the similarities are really hard for me to ignore.
Hitler created the Nazi party. He also knew the power of the pop culture. He didn't force it onto anyone. He made it cool to be a Nazi. They were also given more freedoms than a non-party member. Even the right to bear arms. This made them extremely powerful to an unarmed society.
There is a great quote I put in a post not long ago:
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because ough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
That does not mean Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are the only ones who are ready to do violence on everyone else’s behalf. That means everyone who’s civil liberties are threatened. Remember back about 230 years ago when Britain tried to take back the colonies because colonists civil liberties were threatened to a point where they felt they had no other option but to defend themselves? Yeah, a bunch of gun fanatics did that.
I’m not saying Britain is gonna invade us. I’m not saying the Ruskies are coming over the hill. I believe the next group to try and take over this country will be from the inside. It will be those who attempt to suspend our rights as declared in the Constitution. Examples:
The ACLU has prevented people (read AMERICAN CITIZENS) from worshiping their god in their own ways thousands of times. Usually they only get involved if that religion is Christianity.
San Fransisco has banned guns in the city limits. Well, that just makes it easier for the criminals now doesn’t it? Also makes it easier for the cops to do what ever they feel like and knowing there is no one with the tools to stop them.
Illegal immigrants have the same rights as American Citizens? How is this possible? I’ve already fumed over this enough.
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