The World According to Mike

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Location: San Diego, Cali, United States

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The election hype is already starting. Joy! Time for me to start getting all spun up about all the spin the candidates are gonna put on thier line of hot air.

Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Answer: Thier lips are moving.

Honestly, I am pretty middle of the road. Although I do tend to steer towards the right side.

Here's what I want to see from a candidate.

Pro death pentalty. I am sick of seeing people kill people and actually be considered productive members of society. (i.e. Tookie Williams) You lost those rights when you killed another human being.

Pro 2nd Ammendment. If we all had guns and knew how to use them, the criminals would be the ones living in fear, not the other way around.

Taxes. Why do I want to pay MORE taxes for someone who is capable of paying taxes? Or is it so we can pay for more government beuracracy? I am sick of it. G.W. has the right idea about taxes. Let's stick with that.

Pro law enforcement. Let's get more cops on the street to enforce the laws. Quit making more laws when there aren't even enough cops out there to enforce the ones we already have.

Less government beuracracy. Let's shrink the government. we do not need all these "governemnt officials" telling us how to live our lives. The government should run the infastructure of our country. We should not be reliant on them. They should be reliant on us.

Abortion. Here's a hot one. I am Pro Choice. It goes back to the last paragraph. I do not like abortion. I think it sucks. But, I do not believe the federal government should be involved in my reproductive decisions. You can argue it's killing a human. I agree. However, we are a nation based on freedom of choice. At least that's the theory, right? So why do I need some "governemnt official" deciding my morals? I don't any more than you do. Your decision. Your choice. Your guilt.

A strong military. Do I really need to say why? Not because it's my job. I retire in 2 years. It's so my children never have to live in fear of thier country being invaded. Bill Clinton started this drawdown. Our military is too drawn down. It needs to be back to pre-Clinton strengths.

The war on terror. Folks this is not a catch phrase like the War on Drugs. Terrorism is a very real threat. You cannot disarm these people with love and understanding. They do not care about your view on the war. All they care about is that you are an American. That alone is enough for them to kill as many of us as they can.

Iraq. If we leave Iraq, we may as well get ready to go back. As soon as we leave, Iran, Syria, and all our no-so-close friends will be moving in and we will be the bad guys for letting it happen. 9-11 will happen again if we leave Iraq in the position it is now.

Border security/immigration. If you want to come to America, come on. But, do it correctly and be ready to pay your fair share of taxes when you get here. If you think you are gonna show up in my house and expect me to feed you, you got another thing coming. Go to work and become a productive member of society.

Folks these are not extreme views. I believe there is a silent majority out there that allows the few loud mouths to make the decisions on how WE run OUR country. It's time to stand up and say this has gone too far.

And for the record, there is no way in hell Hillary Clinton will ever get my vote. Not because she's a woman...but because she is an idiot.