The World According to Mike

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Location: San Diego, Cali, United States

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Steven Colbert testifies on Capitol Hill - Seriously???

More proof that our congress is totally out of touch with reality. The sad thing is the Speaker of the House is the one who invited him! This is yet more proof of what I call Hollywood Politics. Congress sells ideas to the American people not by facts, but rather by using celebrities from pop culture and the liberal media to broadcast it. Whats next? Is Lady Gaga gonna give congress expert testimony on the economy?

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The election hype is already starting. Joy! Time for me to start getting all spun up about all the spin the candidates are gonna put on thier line of hot air.

Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Answer: Thier lips are moving.

Honestly, I am pretty middle of the road. Although I do tend to steer towards the right side.

Here's what I want to see from a candidate.

Pro death pentalty. I am sick of seeing people kill people and actually be considered productive members of society. (i.e. Tookie Williams) You lost those rights when you killed another human being.

Pro 2nd Ammendment. If we all had guns and knew how to use them, the criminals would be the ones living in fear, not the other way around.

Taxes. Why do I want to pay MORE taxes for someone who is capable of paying taxes? Or is it so we can pay for more government beuracracy? I am sick of it. G.W. has the right idea about taxes. Let's stick with that.

Pro law enforcement. Let's get more cops on the street to enforce the laws. Quit making more laws when there aren't even enough cops out there to enforce the ones we already have.

Less government beuracracy. Let's shrink the government. we do not need all these "governemnt officials" telling us how to live our lives. The government should run the infastructure of our country. We should not be reliant on them. They should be reliant on us.

Abortion. Here's a hot one. I am Pro Choice. It goes back to the last paragraph. I do not like abortion. I think it sucks. But, I do not believe the federal government should be involved in my reproductive decisions. You can argue it's killing a human. I agree. However, we are a nation based on freedom of choice. At least that's the theory, right? So why do I need some "governemnt official" deciding my morals? I don't any more than you do. Your decision. Your choice. Your guilt.

A strong military. Do I really need to say why? Not because it's my job. I retire in 2 years. It's so my children never have to live in fear of thier country being invaded. Bill Clinton started this drawdown. Our military is too drawn down. It needs to be back to pre-Clinton strengths.

The war on terror. Folks this is not a catch phrase like the War on Drugs. Terrorism is a very real threat. You cannot disarm these people with love and understanding. They do not care about your view on the war. All they care about is that you are an American. That alone is enough for them to kill as many of us as they can.

Iraq. If we leave Iraq, we may as well get ready to go back. As soon as we leave, Iran, Syria, and all our no-so-close friends will be moving in and we will be the bad guys for letting it happen. 9-11 will happen again if we leave Iraq in the position it is now.

Border security/immigration. If you want to come to America, come on. But, do it correctly and be ready to pay your fair share of taxes when you get here. If you think you are gonna show up in my house and expect me to feed you, you got another thing coming. Go to work and become a productive member of society.

Folks these are not extreme views. I believe there is a silent majority out there that allows the few loud mouths to make the decisions on how WE run OUR country. It's time to stand up and say this has gone too far.

And for the record, there is no way in hell Hillary Clinton will ever get my vote. Not because she's a woman...but because she is an idiot.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

If you don’t know what that quote is from. I really need to talk to you. If you are one of these anti-gun fanatics...or if you have no opinion on the matter...I’d like to talk to you too.

Been doing a little surfing on the Second Amendment. I've pretty much decided I do want to purchase a handgun in the not-so-distant future. I know this will lead to a heated discussion when I get home but I am willing to take that heat. There are several reasons I want a firearm in my home:

1 - As a husband and a father it is my duty to make a safe home for my wife and children. That does not mean my first line of defense against some predator is 911. If any predator (of the 2 or 4 legged varieties) enters my home with the intent, capability, and opportunity to do harm to my family, it is my responsibility to neutralize that threat. It is my right under the Constitution of the United States (the same document I swore my life to uphold and defend) to have the tools to do just that.

2 – As a member of the United States Military, one of my duties is to possibly use deadly force to neutralize a threat to my ship or shipmates. Why should I not have that ability at home? Why is it more important to carry a gun at work to protect my ship than at home? Is my family not important enough to warrant possibly exercising deadly force to neutralize a threat to protect them?

3 - I want my children to understand that guns are not bad. Bad people do bad things with guns. Guns are tools. You can kill with a car or a hammer but I don't see any regulations being voted on by the Supreme Court in regards to driving to Home Depot.

Something else keeps gnawing in the back of my brain. I did some research on Hitler a while back. I could NOT understand how a man could take over a country so quickly and render its people so defenseless in such a short amount of time. Quite simply he did it like the anti-gun lobby would love to do it...he simply suspended all civil liberties. That included the right to keep and bear arms. No German citizen could posses a firearm. That is the easiest way to overtake a country....disarm it's citizens.

While we are on the subject, lets take a look at what's happening with our society. We make laws that make it nearly impossible to function as free men. However, we fail to enforce those laws simply due to the fact that we do not employ enough law enforcement officers. We are headed to a point of making our society very vulnerable to exactly what Germany went through which started half of World War II.

Don't get me wrong. I am not one of these conspiracy theorists. But if you look at what Hitler did and what is happening in our society, the similarities are really hard for me to ignore.

Hitler created the Nazi party. He also knew the power of the pop culture. He didn't force it onto anyone. He made it cool to be a Nazi. They were also given more freedoms than a non-party member. Even the right to bear arms. This made them extremely powerful to an unarmed society.

There is a great quote I put in a post not long ago:

“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because ough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

That does not mean Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are the only ones who are ready to do violence on everyone else’s behalf. That means everyone who’s civil liberties are threatened. Remember back about 230 years ago when Britain tried to take back the colonies because colonists civil liberties were threatened to a point where they felt they had no other option but to defend themselves? Yeah, a bunch of gun fanatics did that.

I’m not saying Britain is gonna invade us. I’m not saying the Ruskies are coming over the hill. I believe the next group to try and take over this country will be from the inside. It will be those who attempt to suspend our rights as declared in the Constitution. Examples:

The ACLU has prevented people (read AMERICAN CITIZENS) from worshiping their god in their own ways thousands of times. Usually they only get involved if that religion is Christianity.

San Fransisco has banned guns in the city limits. Well, that just makes it easier for the criminals now doesn’t it? Also makes it easier for the cops to do what ever they feel like and knowing there is no one with the tools to stop them.

Illegal immigrants have the same rights as American Citizens? How is this possible? I’ve already fumed over this enough.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I got an e-mail the other day from a friend of mine here on the ship. Not sure how authentic the article is but it made me think. It's right along the lines of what everyone is saying. It has some left-thinking ideas but is mostly right-thinking points. The thing that struck me most was how in-line with my point of view on the problems with our society as a whole.

In general, I believe this speaks for nearly everyone out there. The middle class. Those of us that bust our ass for our little piece of life. How we have been so screwed by a government who has so twisted and perverted a government created by our forfathers it now threatens to consume itself.

It doesn't matter what they put on the news. It doesn't matter what Hollywierd thinks we should be worried about. What matters is making a life for ouselves so our children can survive in a better world.

Let me stop ranting and let you read this.

I Am Angry
by Susan Fassanella

Dear Lew, the Honorable Ron Paul's piece on why Americans are angry really stirred me to respond. Mr. Paul's piece speaks about many issues facing Americans today.

I am a 51-year-old woman. I have been married to the same man since 1976. I am the secretary/office manager for a small legal firm in the D.C. suburbs. My husband manages a wine and spirits store. I have two sons, aged 26 and 22. After realizing it wasn't possible to support themselves and the government at the same time, both returned to the nuclear nest. Along with most people in my economic situation, I believe I am living what is supposed to be the American dream. I know why I am an angry American. I am frightened because America isn't the same country it was when I was my children's age. Allow me to share with you some of the reasons why I am an angry American.

I am angry because my government has been taken over by liars, thieves, thugs, deviants, and micromanagers. The propaganda it produces rivals that of the most fascist dictatorship.

I am angry that my government perceives my intelligence to be that of a jar of pickles incapable of making the smallest decision.

I am angry that my government takes it upon itself to shove its clucking nose into my pantry, medicine chest, bedroom, family room, doctor's office, workplace, and everywhere else it thinks I need guidance to keep me safe from myself.

I am angry that the will of the American people is ignored on every issue imaginable. If voting really mattered, it would have been outlawed long ago.

I am angry that I am called a conspiracy theorist because I dare to think on my own and question authority and its lies.

I am angry that the more I read about 9-11 the more it looks like an inside job that was allowed to happen, enabling the Patriot Act to be conveniently enacted into law with the ensuing "war on terrah" following closely on its heels.

I am angry that the evil puppets in power think laws are created for the peon masses and it is their right to ignore the ones that get in the way of their agenda.

I am angry that the media has sold its soul to the evil forces running the world.

I am angry that my "leaders" have taken to calling my country the "homeland." It reeks of socialism.

I am angry that my government has invaded yet another sovereign nation and caused untold death and destruction based on a flimsy lie. I am expected to believe that weapons of mass destruction threatened my freedom and then I am told several years and billions of squandered dollars later that a massive intelligence network got the wrong information. A select group of businesses profit enormously from war. When Bush announced his intention to save Iraq from itself and that its oil would pay for the overthrow of Hussein, I laughed so hard I nearly choked. I remember the instability in the Middle East during the 1970s and the gas "shortages" that followed. I knew which direction gas prices would go. How stupid does Mr. Bush and his cronies think I am?

I am angry that the world stands silently by while my government bombs foreign lands with weapons containing depleted uranium and the news magazines wonder on their front covers why lung cancer has increased six-fold in the last year.

I am angry that Americans accept as gospel the propaganda that is routinely cranked out of the Washington lie machine. The lies become more transparent and brazen with each passing year, yet the only thing that seems to matter in living rooms across America is who will be the next American Idol.

I am angry that I am punished with high energy and gas prices and the resulting inflation because tree-hugging terrorists masquerading as environmentalists have handcuffed my country's ability to produce its own energy. It would be easy to tell the Middle East what to do with their oil if restrictions on exploration and production were lifted in our own backyard.

I am angry that I am constantly admonished by minimalists for being a greedy consumer because I live where I choose, drive the vehicle of my choice, eat meat, and use tin foil to cover my leftovers.

I am angry that my life doesn't belong to me anymore.

I am angry that I am required to obtain permission, fill out mandated paperwork in quadruplicate, and obtain the correct license or permit for just about everything imaginable. The tentacles of government are strangling my freedom, choice, and privacy at an alarming rate. The wrath of the machine is a constant threat should I dare do anything without leaving a neon paper trail and of course ignorance of the law is never an excuse.

I am angry that property rights are a thing of the past thanks to court-approved eminent domain theft.

I am angry that the Constitution is routinely declared irrelevant making it easier for a fascist police state and new world order to take over.

I am angry that legislation is in the works that will require me to carry "papers" to "prove" who I am. Another coming law I will ignore.

I am angry that my right to own and carry a firearm is drastically regulated and restricted.

I am angry every time I see a young person detained on the side of the road while cops paw through their possessions looking for anything that could enable them to be arrested and dragged through the criminal justice system. This has become so commonplace it is now the accepted norm.

I am angry that roadblocks are set up under the guise of keeping roads free of drunk drivers. What has happened to my right to travel freely? Why am I presumed guilty without probable cause? I am afraid to have a few drinks when I go out to dinner for fear I will be pulled over and end up in court-ordered drug rehabilitation.

I am angry when I read stories of Americans terrorized in airports and treated like common criminals by government minions after they have paid for the right to travel within a private system, yet pilots are blocked from carrying firearms.

I am angry that America has become a nation of busybodies. We are constantly bombarded with messages to be on the lookout for terrorists around every corner, report "suspicious activity," and rat on our neighbor whenever the opportunity presents itself. Is this not how the Nazis gained control of Germany and then most of Europe?

I am angry that the government requires me to sign a form every time I purchase a prescription. Whose business is it that I choose to take a thyroid medication, an antibiotic, a painkiller, an appetite suppressant, or any other substance? Am I dying of cancer? Am I facing debilitating chronic pain? Do I simply want to get HIGH? Heaven forbid someone out there might get their hands on something that might make them FEEL GOOD! No substance should be illegal or unobtainable. If a person wishes to self-medicate, that is their right. The government should not be in the business of criminalizing personal choices of any kind as long as those choices don't infringe on another's rights.

I am angry that my government meddles in the lives of people all over the world but looks the other way on the catastrophic issue of what to do about the millions of illegals who have crashed the gates of this nation. My country's laws are ignored and mocked, yet I am told I must accept with open arms those who are here illegally. My taxes are used to educate their children in their native language. Hospitals are overrun with indigent people seeking medical care. Untaxed dollars earned in the underground economy are sent to the family back home while social services here are stretched to the limit. I read job want ads stating if you aren't bilingual don't bother to apply. What would happen to me if I placed an ad that said don't bother to apply if your English isn't understandable? Marches are conducted in my cities' streets waving their countries' flags as they shamelessly demand their "rights." I am told they deserve the same opportunities that brought my forefathers here. I am scolded that it is un-American to ask why they are not sent home. I am told that the term "illegal alien" offends them and that they prefer to be called "undocumented workers" and that my economy would die without them. I will happily pay more for fruits and vegetables if it means enforcing sensible immigration laws. But immigration isn't about the cost of lettuce. It is another facet of an agenda that is bent on changing the face of America. When America is no longer a wealthy country of white European descent, it will be a place worse than anything Orwell could have imagined.

I am angry that my country is the only nation on earth who declares that a baby born on its soil is automatically an American citizen.

I am angry that the thugs that run my country don't have the guts to declare English my nation's official language.

I am angry that I have to search a package for English and push a button on every telephone system and ATM machine to continue in English.

I am angry that Washington, D.C.'s Metro is now being pressured to replace every station sign with bilingual verbiage to the tune of millions of dollars. Are bilingual road signs going to be the next mandated law of the land? I am currently forced to pay for voting ballots printed in 15 different languages and my tax dollars pay for interpreter services for people who are summoned to court for breaking laws. If English is the international language of the world, why isn't it good enough to be the official language of the United States?

I am angry when I am told I am a bigot when I thumb my nose at political correctness.

I am angry when I wonder whether an expressed belief or opinion could land me in litigation if someone doesn't like what I said and wants to silence my voice.

I am angry that diversity and sensitivity training is being forced on people whose only crime is to dare to speak freely.

I am angry that the symbols, customs, and roots of my Judeo-Christian country are being systematically outlawed because my culture offends newcomers. When we freely choose to go somewhere, are we not accepting the customs and cultures of that place? I am weary of being made to feel guilty for being an American.

And finally, I am angry that after working my entire adult life, I don't see retirement in my life's picture. My husband and I earn over a hundred thousand dollars a year, but by the time we pay federal taxes, state taxes, social security taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, energy taxes, telecommunication taxes, savings taxes, fees, permits, etc., there isn't much left. But please don't think that I mind supporting every deadbeat and down-and-outer with his hand out for a piece of my pie that I worked so hard for. I love supporting the world. After all, it's the American way, isn't it?

July 5, 2006

Susan Fassanella [send her mail] was born in Washington, D.C. and resides in Frederick County, Maryland with her husband and two sons.

Copyright © 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More random thoughts from a seemingly thoughtless void

Been a while, huh? Well, can't say I have been bored. I left on deployment on March 4th. Can't say too much about what we've been doing but lemme tell you, we got some WELL-DESERVED liberty last week in Hong Kong. It's fun to take 400 Sailors, remove them from thier lives and families, confine them to a floating weapon and expect them to get along for about 5 weeks. Wow!

Anyone ever go to work for 5 weeks straight of 18 hour days? Not fun, lemme tell you. And the sad thing is that even as I sit here and bitch like this I know that there are a few thousand guys just like me on the ground in Iraq this very minute dodging rounds and eatin' sand. God, bless and protect them.

A great quote I read today -

Americans sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
- Orwell

This is not the reason I sat down to write on here today. I wanna talk about this crap I am reading in the news about these huge protests against this immigration bill. I've said before I consider myself somewhat middle of the road. However I do prefer to walk on the right side of that road. So, lemme put it like this...

This is the United friggin' States of America. It's not a refugee camp! It's ours not yours and ours. We made it what it is today. Other-wise known as the most powerful nation in the world. Yeah, we stepped on some toes to do it. We also spilled alot of blood...our own and others... to keep it just the way we like it. We did not put the welcome mat out for all the world's riff-raff. 100 years ago, we said gimme your poor....but frankly, we are up to our eyeballs in your poor and we are sick of them sneaking thier asses into our country looking for a free ride on my tax dollars.

And who the hell are you to come to MY country and tell me you have a right to be here? Excuse me? That's like walking in my house, raiding my fridge, planting your ass in my couch and bitching at me when I tell you to go home. Just who the fuck do you think you are????

And for all the liberals that are gonna read this and get thier panties in a your breath. I read an article that pretty well sums up the way I have been feeling for years. It's comments made by the former governor of Colorado at some function in D.C....


Just in case you didn't click on the link and read the speach...perhaps this will make you click on it

No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and they all fall, and that "an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide."

Ohh got a great idea for bin Laden when we catch his nappy ass hiding under whatever rock he calls home these days. Don't kill him. Yes you read that right. I don't want him to die. I say when we get done parading him around in front of the TV cameras we throw him into GENPOP in Leavenworth Club Fed. Then we set up some cameras in the showers and make it a Pay-Per-View event!

Just an idea....I know it'll never fly. The patronizing PoS's that wanted to keep Tookie Williams alive would never let it happen. Kinda like Janet Jackson can show her tits on live TV but a country boy jumps outta a race car after driving 500 miles at 200 MPH and says "shit" and loses the championship....go figure.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

'Jesus Christ Dancers' Barred From Holiday Festival - Yahoo! News

'Jesus Christ Dancers' Barred From Holiday Festival - Yahoo! News

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Social Communism

Monday, December 12, 2005

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams

Yayyyyyy!!!!! Tookie will be dead in a few hours! That's 26 years longer then the FOUR people he is CONVICTED of killing got.

It amazes me the spin the media has put on this whole deal. Sickens me is a better way to express it. I saw a report this morning on the local Fox channel before I left for work. The report covered some press conference with a bunch of talking heads. Their leader seemed to be Mike Farrell. He was talking about how (I am paraphrasing here) keeping this piece of garbage alive would demonstrate to the kids who are currently wearing Crip's colors that they can be forgiven for what they have done. The thing that REALLY pissed me off was they spent all this time giving air time to these jackasses talking about why this QAUD-FUCKING-RUPAL murderer live but only spent about 10 seconds with one of the family members of one of the victims asking why he should live.

Mike does have a great idea. Why didn't I think of it?!?!?! We could just forgive all the criminals in prison. We could give special "Forgiven Death Row Inmate" license plates. That way the police know they aren't actually performing a drive-by but rather just training a new generation of future forgiven murdurers.

Ladies and gentlemen, the justice system is working as designed. It's that simple. The criminal justice system is not perfect. But let's keep it simple. It's about crime and punishment. If you commit a crime, you are punished. If you drink and drive you will be punished. Maybe not every time you are DUI but you know you are breaking a law. If a cop pulls you over and arrests you, it's your fault. The cop enforces the law. The law he just enforced was in place to make it safe for me to put my family in the car and drive from on a public roadway safely. If you kill someone, you risk being executed. That's crime and punishmnt. If you break the law, be ready to deal with the consequences. If you are unwilling to deal with the consequences, do not commit the crime. Pretty simple, huh?

But, back to Tookie....Let's review the facts:

- Tookie co founded the Crips. This is not a bunch of guys hanging out comparing thier geometry notes. These are people who kill each other and whoever else happens to be wearing the wrong colored clothes.

- Tookie has found God. Yeah right. Like God didn't see him coming first. My impression of God when Tookie found religon: "Yo! TAXI!!!!"

- This piece of shit claims to be an ordained minister who is working to keep kids off the streets. They actually came up with a number.....150,000 kids he has kept off the streets....WTF?!?!? Now even though he has been instrumental in keeping all these kids off the streets and been the example of what not to do, supposedly found God and preach His word, he has NOT ONCE said, "I am sorry for killing those 4 people."

So, Tookie, I hope you realize I feel no pitty for you. I do feel sorry that you didn't figure out how to be a human being 27 years ago. Perhaps if you had found God then, you would not be about to meet the Man you claim to serve. I will say your death will serve as an example to the 150,000 kids you claimed to keep off the streets. Perhaps the ones that idolize your worthless ass will realize if they follow the path you chose it will lead them to execution. That is after they get done rioting........